work with schools
Work with schools can range from short sessions creating a school logo to longer sessions working with children's designs to produce mosaics for a range of purposes in school.
Below are a few examples of work with Ann Edwards C of E School in Gloucestershire working on a mosaic for the front of the school and 12 separate mosaics representing the 12 values. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs or ideas.
This panel was designed using ideas from the children, explaining what their school was about. We used a portion of the school badge, and added a circular rainbow, although unfortunately we had to omit the troll that the reception children wanted under the bridge.
All years helped from reception to year 6. The headmaster wanted every child at the school to put in at least one tile. The work was done over three days.
These are 4 out of a series of 12 mosaics representing the 12 values. Each class came up with a winning design, and then a day was spent with each respective class completing the mosaic.
Below are a few examples of work with Ann Edwards C of E School in Gloucestershire working on a mosaic for the front of the school and 12 separate mosaics representing the 12 values. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your needs or ideas.
This panel was designed using ideas from the children, explaining what their school was about. We used a portion of the school badge, and added a circular rainbow, although unfortunately we had to omit the troll that the reception children wanted under the bridge.
All years helped from reception to year 6. The headmaster wanted every child at the school to put in at least one tile. The work was done over three days.
These are 4 out of a series of 12 mosaics representing the 12 values. Each class came up with a winning design, and then a day was spent with each respective class completing the mosaic.